Get a Perfect Exposure Every Time
Are you struggling with manual mode, frustrated by the seeming impossibility of getting a perfect exposure? Well here’s a super easy three step process to
Are you struggling with manual mode, frustrated by the seeming impossibility of getting a perfect exposure? Well here’s a super easy three step process to
A user-friendly guide to understanding exposure in digital photography. If you’ve ever taken a statistics class you surely now have an innate phobia of histograms.
Of the three points in the exposure triangle, aperture, shutter speed, and ISO, ISO is probably the least well understood and most incorrectly utilized. So
Learn to easily increase color and tone separation in Photoshop to tease out amazing effects in your photos.
Frustrated by how fantastic subjects look small and boring in your photos? Here’s a simple tip to dramatically exaggerate whatever you’re shooting.
To make your subject pop out use color, tonal, and texture contrasts. This video evaluates 2 landscape photos that illustrate this important idea. Photos courtesy
For those who don’t know what burning and dodging is, I’ll summarize here really quickly: burning is a way to selectively darken parts of your
In part 1 of this video we talked about dodging and burning on a 50% gray layer. It’s an amazing way to d/b non destructively
Today we evaluate 2 landscape photos that illustrate an important idea in composition: Remove Distractions Photos courtesy of:Roger New – https://www.facebook.com/roger.newAliaume Chapelle – https://500px.com/aliaumechapelle
Composition got you frustrated? Well turn that frown upside down because you’re about to learn the most important rule in photography. For many people composition
Today we evaluate 3 landscape photos that all illustrate one of the most important ideas in composition: Fill The Frame With What You Like! Photos
Today we critique a beautiful landscape photo to see what the photographer does well, and how he could make the image stronger. Photo courtesy of
Joshua Cripps is a renowned landscape photographer who has garnered worldwide acclaim for his breathtaking images of our planet’s wild places. His photos have been published by the likes of National Geographic, NASA, CNN, BBC, and Nikon Global.
The Mt. Whitney Gallery was founded in 2023 by Joshua Cripps as a way to share his passion stunning landscapes of the Sierra Nevada and beyond.
Set at the foot of the breathtaking Sierra with a view of the range’s highest peaks, the gallery features large format, museum-caliber fine art prints of Josh’s signature photographs.
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