Take Better Photos – Use Color, Tone, and Texture Contrasts

To make your subject pop out use color, tonal, and texture contrasts. This video evaluates 2 landscape photos that illustrate this important idea.

Photos courtesy of:
Hugh Mobley – https://500px.com/HughMobley
Emma Loisch – https://facebook.com/eartandphotos

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2 Responses

  1. Nice video. I think people forget about texture contrasts a lot both when they are taking the photo but also when editing the photo in post-processing. Good reminder, and definitely an element to keep in mind for getting the maximum beauty out of your shots.

  2. I really appreciate the comments, and actually I did consider some of those ideas somewhat, but kind of stopped short. however, the next time I am at the Wedge where that lone tree is I am going to use your comments to get some different shots. Thanks again!!

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