How to Use Your Technical Mind to be More Creative

I recently had a chance to speak with Steve Arnold from the Open Shutter Photography Podcast. Here’s what Steve had to say about our conversation:

I’m delighted to welcome the one and only Joshua Cripps onto the podcast for episode 12, to hear his thoughts on how being a “technically minded” person can actually be an advantage rather than a disadvantage for photographers who want to be more creative. 

Joshua is a world renowned wilderness landscape photographer whose work has been published by National Geographic, NASA, Nikon, CNN and more.

Many people think it’s some kind of disadvantage to be more of a “technical person” than a “creative person” when it comes to photography, but Joshua is a perfect example of why that is not true – he left the field of Aerospace engineering to follow his photography goals! You don’t get much more technical than that.

In fact, in our interview he tells us how you can use your technical side to improve your creativity, not have it hold your creativity back.


Joshua’s FREE Landscape Photography Webinar – Watch Joshua’s free webinar to learn how to build a simple framework that will allow you, no matter where you live, who you are, or what kind of camera you have, to instantly start taking photos you love. Photos that tell the stories you want to tell. – Joshua’s website is a treasure chest of helpful and insightful articles, videos, courses, and more that will help you become a better photographer.

Follow Joshua on the socials:

Talking Points

  • Why having a technical background can help you be a more creative person
  • How to improve your creativity
  • The 4 step process for flexing your creative muscles
  • How to open your mind to what’s in front of you
  • How to use your technical mind to “solve the problem” of bad photos
  • The 4 things every great photo must have
  • Whar does being a “creative person” actually mean?
  • How to discover the story you want to tell of every scene
  • The golden rule of landscape photography
  • How to solve the problem of “bad light”

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