Sunset at Lake Te Anau, South Island, New Zealand

It’s always good to see old friends. And even better when they turn up in unexpected places like Queenstown, New Zealand. My college roommate, Dustin, had just finished a cruise between New Zealand and Australia and decided to hop back over to NZ for a few days before he returned to his job designing robots at the University of Colorado.

Having visited NZ a few times before I wanted to play tour guide for Dustin, but that can be difficult to do when your friend is so happy to be in New Zealand that he doesn’t care what he sees. So, Dustin, where do you want to go? “I don’t care, this is awesome!” What do you want to see? “Doesn’t matter, this is amazing!” Anything in particular you feel like doing? “Whatever, everything is fantastic!” After a few more questions like this I began to suspect that Dustin might not care what we did, so I pointed the car south and we headed off to Fiordland National Park.

But a late start prevented us from getting any farther than Te Anau before nightfall so we booked into a hostel, cooked a bit of pasta, and called it a night.

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