Wharariki Beach: New Zealand Photography Adventure

Archway Islands, Wharariki Beach, South Island, New Zealand

The northern tip of New Zealand’s South Island is windy, very windy. And sandy, very sandy. This combination leads to the formation of sand dunes, which over the eons become sandstone. Because sandstone is soft it is easily eroded. And at Wharariki Beach -where I spent the last three days- the sandstone has eroded to create two of the most beautiful offshore islands I’ve ever seen.

Their proper name is the Archway Islands, a moniker that couldn’t be better chosen. Three hundred foot towers of sandstone shot through with massive arches. It’s hard to say exactly how big the arches are but the western one looks like you could play a game of soccer inside it. Although you can drive most of the way to Wharariki Beach, the final approach is a 20-minute trek through farm paddocks and coastal forest, an effort that seems fitting to reach a place of such extraordinary beauty.

I saw a picture of the Archway Islands a few years ago and put it high on my must-visit list for this trip. As a person I wanted to experience the place. As a photographer (and in particular a seascape photographer) I knew this was a spot I was going to linger until I got perfect conditions. The funny thing about seascapes is that they are often beautiful, but rarely iconic. Coastal scenes frequently lack that obvious sense of place that make them instantly recognizable. There are a few exceptions to the rule and Wharariki is one of the best of them.

Photographer at Archway Islands, Wharariki Beach, South Island, New Zealand

The challenge I faced was capturing such a spectacular place with spectacular light, a feat which is easier said than done when your photography trip has a time limit. I was prepared to wait up to 5 days at Wharariki for the right light. When an amazing sunset exploded on my second night there my serotonin levels skyrocketed and I couldn’t keep myself from laughing like a maniac. This was a highlight among highlights of the trip so far.

8 Responses

  1. Hey Josh – Sounds like you had a Great time in NZ! These are some nice picts!
    I always look forward to your photo posts and write-ups! thanx for often posting your techniques etc, they are very helpful in understanding what you did to get the ‘final image’ – helps me to improve. Your photography and write-ups are often educational and inspiring. thanx! Looking forward to seeing more of your NZ travels! We were gonna sail over to that area, but didn’t work out this time….oh, the photo that you just posted to Flickr is SWEET!!
    Just quickly scanned through your blog — some very nice stuff! No time now, but i’ll be back to look when i have more time. Happy shooting….

    S U N R I S E  -  Fort Bragg CA

  2. Like Chris I was instantly reminded of Natural Bridges when I saw that shot. I am also looking forward to your “official” pics. Thanks for allowing us to go on the adventure with you. Now where’s the pics already?! 😉

  3. Super shots! I love your photos from this amazing and beautiful country. I was here in 1995, when i travelled for 3 months in NZ. But only an afternoon 😉

  4. Definitely agree w Chris above … The whole of Utah. I didn’t even know this place existed and I live in NZ! Perhaps less time in the US National Parks and more time in my own backyard?

  5. Wharariki is great but don’t you have some amazing arches in your neck of the woods too? (e.g. Natural Bridges State Beach)

    Anyway, jealous of the amazing sunset. The two times I was hear produced dud sunsets. Can’t wait till you get back so we can see the shots….

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